Healing Hues Are Now The #1 Most Asked for Colors For The Home

healing our lives with color

The hottest trend in home decor these days are healing hues! These calming colors have taken the interior design world by storm and are now the most sought-after colors for any home. So, if you’re planning to revamp your living space, why not give it a soothing touch with healing hues? There are dozens of palettes to choose from on my website, come take a look and pick one that feels good to you. 

I am so happy that these colors are requested! It seems like so many people need to heal from something, whether it’s losing a past loved one, having health issues, broken relationships, or just struggling in the home financially. Whatever the reason, some colors will help you feel better. I know this for a fact. 

A while back, I wrote a post about how to have a house of healing, and it’s a perfect place to start. 

I also posted about how some people are color-sensitive. Color can have memory triggers, so watching for those hues that will turn a house of healing into a home of horror is crucial. 

Let’s bring colors into the home that have high vibes, and it will be different for everyone, good memories and an uplifting experience when you see them. 

If you’d like a custom healing color palette for your home, please fill out the form below, and I will contact you.

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Why Should I Put Healing Hues In My Home?

colors to heal you and to feel good in your home
I’m in the process of listening to the audiobook GOOD ENERGY by Casey Means, MD, and it is so spot on.“Good Energy” is the key to healing, and there is so much under the umbrella of “Good Energy,” and color is definitely one of them.

As the people around us succumb to both mental and physical illnesses, it’s imperative that we do all we can do to keep our health the best it can be. I don’t mean running to the doctor to get a pill fix- that will only make you sicker, and that’s a proven fact in so many cases. Pills often mask our illnesses instead of finding and treating the root cause.

I’m not a doctor by any means, but I do know a lot about self-healing. I recently received my certification in herbalism, and not only is it a wonderful hobby, but it is also improving my mental and physical health. 

I have a deep understanding of color; my life revolves around it. I’m focused on how specific colors can enhance our emotions, thoughts, and overall well-being.

Now to the topic. I’ve been designing little color palettes called “Healing Hues,” which come with an inspiring graphic and a brief description of the graphic’s energy. I love designing them because they are short and sweet but powerful—that punch is color.

How can you prove Healing Hues work? Scroll through my blog and note how you feel when you look at the Healing Hues graphics. Don’t even read about them; just look. When you view them, some will feel nice to you, and others will not even want to read what they are all about. The ones that give you a pause to stop and read are most likely, on some level, the colors that your body needs to heal itself.

Can we heal from just looking at colors? Absolutely! Thank god we have our eyes to filter out the colors that we don’t need in our lives and bring closer to us the colors that we do need. Our senses help us in so many ways, and it’s for a reason. Our body knows what our body needs. 

So why should you put Healing Hues into your home? Because it’s the easiest way to begin your journey to self-healing. Take your health into your own hands, and take what Mother Nature has given you all along. From the herbs in your very own yard to the colors of the world around you, these are the elements that we need to bring into our homes. That is how I design these graphics; I am inspired by what I see and try to convey why and how these colors can help heal. 

Colors have power. Colors combined are healing. 

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Healing Hues: Colors of Warmth, Happiness, and Joy

warmth happiness and joy

This Healing Hue color palette is filled with warming hues. It includes strong sun yellow, energetic orange, and restful gray. This color palette is perfect for those who want to add a little “happy” to their home.

Available for purchase for $55.

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Colors For A Hungry Mind: Coming In Hot

cozy colors for a strong mind

Coming in hot! If I saw these colors in someones home, I know that person is confident in there skin, wants to make a statement in their home, and satisfied their mind, and not caring what others will think of their color palette. This, is a strong mind.

Coming In Hot” is the perfect color palette for a cool autumn night, after all, these colors have a definite autumn flair. I had similar colors in my home once and regardless of the season, home always felt warm, cozy, and like a perpetual hug. This is how home should feel.

Here is a breakdown of what these colors symbolize. Of course they go much deeper than what I describe but it gives you a foundation of these bold, beautiful colors.

If you’d like this color palette or would like strong, cozy colors in your home, fill out the form below and I’ll contact you via email.

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Mom’s Favorite Colors Were Kinda Ugly

moms favorite colors

Sorry mom, but YUK! Oh, I wish she was still alive so I could ask her the story behind her favorite colors; after all, every color palette has a story, and I wish I knew hers.

I remember returning home a few weeks after I got married and running right to my room because it was the first time I had been away from it for so long. I longed to see my bed, my peach walls, and my stuff in the closet and on the shelves as if I had never left.

Running down the hall—okay, I wasn’t running, but I was walking fast—I reached the end of the hallway, opened the door, and my breath was gone. My breath was gone, my peach was gone, my stuff was gone, and even my bed was gone. I was gone, and it hurt.

“Where’s my stuff? What happened to my room, Mom?”

“Oh, I painted it and moved my stuff in, like an extra room for where I go when Dad snores too loud,” she innocently said.

I couldn’t speak. It took me what felt like an hour to form any words, and even now, I have no idea what I said, but I’m sure it was something about the colors.

Navy? Burgundy? Mauve? And gray? Are you kidding me?

She covered up my beautiful peach to add this dreadful color palette in a north-facing room, no less. What was she thinking?

I turned toward her and looked at her smiling face. I saw how happy she was that she had a room of her own, really her own, and she painted it any color she wanted to. My mom had very little color sense; she liked what she liked, which was good enough for her. 

I paused and realized that for whatever reason, whether because of her room or because she was an empty nester and loved it, I released my anguish that my room was gone and all I had left were the memories, and that was good enough for me.

I rekindled this memory the day my daughter left my house, making me smile as I remembered this moment. I understood why my mom changed my room, and even though our reasons were very different, I understood.

Happy Mother’s Day in your navy, burgundy, mauve, and gray heaven, Mom. I love you!

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Healing Hues: Are We All Just Dancers In Time?

the colors of time

We all are just dancers in time. This phrase came into my sights one day while meditating or even in a dream. I can’t remember, but it made so much sense. Everyone has time, yet no one has enough. I can drop a ton of cliches about time, but no worries, I won’t. I’ll talk about the colors associated with time

Does time even have colors associated with it? Well, everything does, and that tidbit depends on who you ask. Everything is associated with a color, and those colors can change throughout a lifetime, depending on the person who sees them.

I absolutely love this earthy color palette. I resonate with hues closely associated with the ground, such as lush greens, rich browns, and full-bodied reds; yes, I do have some of those hues in my home.

Going back to the topic of time, I found it beneficial not to put off the things that are important to me or the things that I enjoy; after all, why wait?

If money is an issue, will you ever have enough money for what you want? There are ways to manipulate money, so there is always a little set aside to do the things you love, in moderation, of course, and not beyond your means.

Time can bring happiness. This is so strange because I remember when I was about ten years old and wanted to go out and play with my friends. I asked my dad if I could go out, and he replied, “In about ten minutes.” Not only did I know when ten minutes was up, but I also had some time to think about what that meant. 

  • Why did I have to wait ten minutes?
  • Why was it not eight minutes or eleven minutes? Why ten?
  • What did my playing have to do with my dad’s ten minutes? What about MY ten minutes?

See what a mind pluck time can do to one when one has enough time to think about things?

Strangely, I’m now 61, and I still think back to those few moments in time, STILL trying to figure it out. The conclusions are endless, but I’ll never know. I should have asked my dad when he was living with me towards the end of his life, but I’m sure he would not remember. 

It’s funny how we go back in time to the days when there was a phrase, action, or thought that weighed heavy on our minds, and we still try to figure them out.

There’s no sense in thinking back in time because then we would be unproductive in the present moment. Yet, if we think about things long enough and do figure them out, it is not a waste of time after all.

I’d love to go on and on about a very mysterious topic of time. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and stick around my friends; there will be more posts like this where I dig deeper into the topics that matter. 

If you’d like to purchase this color palette for $55, send me an email at DecoratingByDonna@mac.com, and I’ll get back to you via email. 

Thank you for your time.

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The Ultimate Healing Hue: A Guide To Success Using Color

mental healing

The ultimate Healing Hue is about success! Today, I celebrate getting over the things in life that we can’t SEE but are ones we can FEEL. I’m talking about mental health and everyday issues that affect our mood.

Life is a challenge for so many of us, with stress, anxiety, financial burdens, broken and toxic relationships, and the anguish of all this getting stuck in our heads. Well, today, through the magic of a podcast I was listening to, so much of the above was put into perspective for me, and this is how our Universe works.

Speaking of the Universe, I love how things are presented to us as we need them most, just like you happen to read this page about healing colors for success. It’s all part of the wild plan called life.

Success doesn’t have to be a big event in life. It can be something as little as discovering a podcast that has helped on so many levels. It can be becoming aware of colors that really, really feel good to you and have either become part of your home or colors for your brand. 

These split complementary colors feel good to me! I absolutely love green and spicy orange, but blue is a new “feel” for me, but I’ll take it. These hues are earthy, grounding, and saturated enough to grab my attention and make their presence known. 

Another success for me! I allowed a blue into my life because it feels good! How does this palette feel to you? Remember that all my colors are available for purchase if you’d like them in your home ($55). Just fill out the form below.


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5 Colorful Design Tips for Adding Bright and Cheerful Vibes to Your Space

color for good energy

I hope you’re enjoying these quick bursts of bright colors that I post. They’re super fun for me to design, and the words I write also help me on so many levels. I hope they help you too! In this color recipe, we have some super bright and cheerful colors.

While I don’t know if I’d have all of them in my home, I do like the coral color. My daughter had a similar color in her room called “Guava Jam,” and I loved it; it made me smile every time I walked into her room. Looking at these colors, I realize they would be beautiful for a logo or web design.

So how can we use these happy hues?

1—When our energy is low, we turn to things that make us happy or give us a boost. That boost could be food, a vacation, getting together with friends, or doing something with color. For me, it’s color. Today, I’m wearing a tie-dye shirt in bright pink and aqua. You can spot me a mile away!

2—The flowers are amazing as we enter the spring and summer seasons! I have larkspurs blooming, and the shades of purple are incredible. I stare at my garden several times daily to get my color fix.

3 – I know this is trivial, but ladies, how about that lipstick? I run to the pinks for an instant energy boost. I won’t have any other make-up on, but the lipstick is a must, and pink does the trick.

4—Yes, food is another way to get your energy boost from color. Yesterday, I made a dish that had corn, green beans, and black beans topped with feta cheese, and I kid you not when I say I starred at my food longer than I should have. It made it taste all the better, too!

5—Last but not least, the purpose of this blog is to suggest paint color. Have at least one room in your home to have fun with color. Paint it, and remember that you can paint your room as often as you wish, granted it’s a small room. Many of our offices, where we spend a lot of time, need a productive color that gives off energy to get us through the day. 

Color is so much fun! If you need help finding color, for whatever reason, contact me in the form below.

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Creating a Color Palette for Your Well-Being: How This Color Recipe Can Impact Your Mood

colors for well being

Well, isn’t this Color Recipe a dainty color palette? It reminds me of a little girl’s dress on Easter morning. That’s a good memory connection, I guess. As long as we’re talking about good memories, these colors are also beautiful for your well-being. Why? Because they feel good.

Like many of my posts, I ask, “How do you feel when you see these colors? I told you how I felt by sharing a pleasant memory. What did you get from these colors?

When we talk about our well-being, we focus on those things that are mentally good for us, bring us joy, or, on some level, just make us feel good. These colors make me feel good!

I love the darker pink, and here again, it makes me smile because I think what a gorgeous shade of nail polish that would be!

I love the green because it reminds me of pistachio ice cream, which I really don’t like, but I love the color!

The lighter pink and off-white feel like nice places to rest my mind, which is so very needed on so many days.

 I hope you find this color palette a nice place to rest your mind and if you’d like to purchase it for $55, contact me on the form below.

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Color Recipe: Embracing Change

change is good

In this Color Recipe, I’m talking about change. I love change, whether it’s the change of seasons, location, new friends, new adventures, or a new milestone in life. Change is constant, and the more you accept change, the easier it will be.

Life is full of changes every day. It’s like waking through the hallway in a house: rooms to the left, rooms to the right, and rooms on other levels of the home. You can go to any room you’d like, and it will be a different color, have different decor, and have a completely different feeling.

The colors in your home should transition easily from room to room, as I have in the color palette above. There are no harsh color changes; they all coordinate with each other.

Think of life as rooms in your home and walk in and out of any room effortlessly and with choice. If you’d like to choose this color palette for your home for $55, contact me with the form below. 

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When It Comes To Color, Why Should Other People’s Opinions Matter To Us?

beauty that makes us happy

What is beautiful to one is not so beautiful to another. Does it really matter? No, not at all. Why should it matter?

There is such freedom in not worrying about whether someone likes what you like or what makes you happy. The thing is to find something that makes you happy, even if it’s color for your home. 

This snappy little color palette is available for $55. Fill out the form below and I’ll contact you on how you can get these beauties in your home. 

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